The basics of the Back to School time

The basics of the Back to School time

Start the year strong and stay focused!
What a summer! Good time and a whol lot of emotions! It’s now the time to go back to school. You’ll find familiar faces but we also face new challenges! Here are some tips to help you get off to a good start this year.

Prepping is key
There is no better time than back to school time to start thinking of all the things that you’ll need to put in place for the year. You can start by cleaning up your belongings: sort your school equipment from last year, your clothes, your sportswear, etc. Do you have everything you need? Then you could take the opportunity to create a homework space. A personalized place that inspires you and gives you the motivation to start the year!

Put in place a regular schedule
After the summer where you’ve had lots of beautiful things happening, you’re probably used to sleep a little late, sleep in the morning or do things at your own pace. With school, all this will change!

To get used to it again you could, for example, gradually start to get up earlier: it will seem less difficult for you to get up for the big day. It’s not always easy to go to bed early and have a restful sleep! You can try to relax by thinking of pleasant things, reading a good book or listening to relaxing music. Use the relaxation method you prefer to have a restful night sleep.

Set realistic goals
Perhaps you could take a moment to reflect on your strengths and challenges, or what you want to improve this year?

A few words in your agenda, motivational phrases or a painting in your room can encourage you throughout the year.

These objectives do not have to relate to academic results. This could be for example to go more towards the others, to get more involve in student life, or to keep more personal time for your passions! It’s time to think about what will really make you tick!

Ask for help
During the year, if you have difficulties, do not wait too long! Asking for help is also a way to make sure you stay focused on your goals. Stay on the lookout for what is generally problematic, you can seek advice before difficult situations arise and better prepare for it! Do not hesitate to ask for help, to a teacher, a student, someone you trust or your CJE.