

No matter how old we are, we all need self-confidence. This inner way allows us to approve ourselves and overcome all the challenges that life can put in our path. When children are still in kindergarten or at the small school, here are some of the criteria that pedagogues remarks when the self-confidence of a child is at its highest:

Taste to realize new things, to go for it to discover
Demonstration of pride following a success
Perseverance even after hardship
Relaxed during learning
Have fun doing a new activity
Remember success stories and name them

We should all be basing ourselves on these few points in order to be able to evaluate our own inner voice giving us our self-esteem. Here are some important things to remember:

To know and accept each other

The first rule in self-esteem and getting to know each other. You have to be able to identify what I like and what I do not like. We must be able to talk about our successes but also our failures. We must also be able to recognize our faults and our qualities. But to know oneself is not enough. We must first accept each other. It is not necessary to have only qualities to have a good self-esteem. But we must rather be able to assume its faults or want to change them. We suggest the following exercise “Who am I? To help you in this process of self-awareness

Attitudes conducive to self-esteem

Recognize that we are not infallible. Do not lower yourself. If you make a mistake, instead of criticizing yourself, take the time to review what you have learned. Instead of saying “I’m good for nothing, I missed an exam.” Instead, say, “Next time, I’ll do better.” Stop punishing yourself. Learn, on the contrary, to reward you. He can improve his self-esteem on the small things that are very simple such as buying a new piece of clothing, having a relaxing evening listening to a good movie or relaxing music.
Here are some additional tips for managing failures that are part of our life as well as successes:
– Do not see things in black or white. One must know how to qualify the vision of failure.
– Remember that all have failed one day, fail or fail …
– Think of your failures as sources of information about yourself and not as evidence of disability.
– Admit that everyone is making mistakes. When you make a mistake, do not go down. There are lessons to be learned from our mistakes.
– It is not necessary to be flawless to have a good self-esteem. You have to be able to assume them and change them.

To be perseverant

Perseverance consists in persisting in an activity in order to achieve the desired result. Perseverance allows us not to be discouraged despite obstacles. It encompasses a desire to succeed and obstacles are considered challenges. Perseverance therefore requires tenacity. Thus the success that accompanies such an attitude allows us to be certain that the success achieved comes from our efforts and our esteem increases at the same time. So to say to oneself “I will not let go of this problem of mathematics before having found the solution. Demonstrates perseverance.

To be able to take risks

Self-esteem is built on challenges, whether it’s looking for a job or embarking on a new venture. In all these situations, the risk is present: that of displeasing, losing face, failing, etc. However, while safety and comfort are so important to us that they prevent us from taking risks, we limit our ability to develop our self-esteem enormously. So you have to train and allow yourself to take risks that are present day by day in your life.

Avoid the pitfalls of comparison

We are often inclined to compare ourselves to others when we evaluate ourselves on many levels (appearance: Lucie is more beautiful than I. sporting performance: Pierre is more skillful than me in tennis.) Such comparisons negatively influence our self-esteem. . Be realistic. Try to be perfect and compare yourself to other nights with self-esteem.

Stop the critical internal dialogue

The “critical internal dialogue” is the critical thoughts that we address such as “It will not work. “It’s useless, what’s the point? Or “It was a failure. “. All of these critical thoughts hurt our self-esteem. Thus, one must become aware of their existence and confront them by asking you the following questions:

• Is this thought realistic?
• Does this thought help me feel better?
• Does this thought helps me cope with the situation?

Would others have the same kind of thinking as I do about this situation? If the answer is NO, then it must be changed because it has negative consequences on self-esteem. These thoughts must be changed by more realistic and constructive thoughts.


Be aware that you are unique and be proud of it.