How to Find a Job Using Social Media

How to Find a Job Using Social Media

Are you in the process of looking for a new job? Read this blog post to find out how you can best use social media to help you make your next career move.

Job hunting is always stressful but, thankfully, social media has made the job search process a bit more convenient than the days of pounding the pavement with a stack of resumes in hand. Today, career tips, job listings, and networking opportunities are plentiful on the internet. We highly recommend taking advantage of social media when seeking a new position. Here’s our guide on how to use different social media platforms to your advantage to find a job.


LinkedIn should be your first social media destination when job hunting. It’s a platform specifically designed for professional use and has many resources for job seekers. Today, having a LinkedIn profile is widely considered a must for professionals whether or not they are actively seeking new employment. We recommend always keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date and accurate. Having a high-quality profile photo, an eye-catching headline, endorsements, and recommendations will help you stand out on the platform. As you meet people throughout your career, we suggest connecting with them on LinkedIn. And don’t be afraid to request people you don’t know! LinkedIn is a great way to make a first connection with a potential business contact.

When actively job searching, LinkedIn’s job listings are a great place to start. It’s not necessary, but springing for a LinkedIn Premium membership can be a big help when job hunting as it allows you to message recruiters, features you among other candidates, gives you insights as to how you compare to other candidates, and more. Even without taking advantage of LinkedIn’s paid features, the site’s combined status as a social media platform and job board allow you to easily leverage your network when applying for jobs. LinkedIn can show you if you have any mutual contacts with employees of the companies for which you’re applying, which can help you ask for introductions or even referrals.


Though Facebook isn’t a social media platform dedicated to the professional world, there are many groups that are dedicated to certain fields, professions, and even job listings. It’s a great idea to join groups related to your field and participate actively in discussions, as this can help grow your professional network and make your name familiar in case a job opportunity does arise.

Often times the job listings that come up in Facebook groups will be for positions that need to be filled quickly, so we recommend acting fast when you see something you’re interested in. It’s also worth noting that these posts are often fairly casual, so do your homework and make sure that the position and company are legit before agreeing to do any work.


Just like Facebook has dedicated groups for job searchers, Twitter has dedicated hashtags, such as:

  • #Hiring
  • #NowHiring
  • #Jobs
  • #Careers
  • #TweetMyJobs
  • #JobOpening
  • #JobListing
  • #JobPosting

It might be a little overwhelming sorting through these tweets, but you’re likely to find job opportunities through Twitter that aren’t posted on other, more traditional job boards. It’s great to engage via Twitter with the companies and contacts you’re interested in working with but, if you do so, make sure your Twitter profile is a reflection of your professional brand. It might even be worth creating a Twitter account dedicated specifically to your career. Just make sure that you keep the account active, engaged, and not too self-promotional.

Social Media is What You Make It

One final word of wisdom: be sure to take actions that are appropriate for your particular field. It might make more sense to search for a marketing job on social media than a job as an aerospace engineer. Ultimately, social media is just another tool that you can (and should) leverage when you are searching for a job. Recognize that job hunting is a full-time commitment in and of itself and the suggestions above should be taken in addition to more traditional job search methods. Good luck!

Find a job to your image

Find a job to your image

Here are eight great tips to help you develop a winning job search strategy … while waiting for the interview and most importantly, working for a company you will love.

8. Gather a resume that is really convincing

You do not want to reinvent the wheel, but a little creativity can differentiate you and help you stand out. Online tools can be very useful for creating something less ordinary. Use the tool that’s right for you and make sure your page or resume stands out. Often, it’s as easy as choosing the right font and color. It does not take much to make a resume nice, so put a little extra effort to prevent yours from ending up in the generic stack.

7. Make sure your resume is not filled with common words and redundant formulas

When writing your resume, you do not want to use the language that will make you look like everyone else. This means avoiding overused terms (eg Motivated, innovative, dynamic) and cliché expressions (Focused on details, team spirit, excellent communication skills). It is helpful to read your resume from the bottom up to detect errors. Use the dictionary!

6. Find a better job by looking for a big company rather than a position

Getting a good job is not just about doing something you love, but about working in a good environment. This means that you want to look for companies that have a reputation for treating their employees well. is an online resource that can help you get to know a specific business from people who want to share their own working experience for a specific company.

5. Learn how to make your experience even irrelevant

If your job is very different from what you want, think of everything you have done in your current job that is out of the ordinary. Often, you will find examples of things related to the work you want because you have always been excited to do this kind of work if it were to be where you are. If this is not the case, you can always start creating a relevant experience to use during your interview. For example, if you work in a non-creative field but want to become a designer, you will have many opportunities. If you create many charts and diagrams, find ways to make them more attractive.

When you get to work, you will find that your seemingly uninteresting experience can easily be adapted to most of the jobs for which you are applying. You may have to start lower than you want, but if you work hard, you will progress quickly.

4. Dress well for the interview

Holding an interview does not necessarily mean putting a garment in formal iron. Depending on the company, they may prefer that you come in your everyday outfit or simply wear something that shows that you can look beautiful without doing too much. Casual business is usually a good choice. Although no one really knows what the business is actually, you will usually be safe with nice pants and a buttoned shirt or sweater. Your goal is really to show that you are able to heal yourself and that you are presentable. If your clothes are tight and you do not wear them around the house, you are probably in good shape.

3. Learn to read body language for a more successful interview

Learning to read body language is useful in many situations, but understanding the signals you send and reading cues can be extremely helpful in a job interview. It is especially important that you are as pleasant and charming from the start as many decisions are made on the basis of a first impression. The most important thing is to avoid negative body language. For the most part, you just want to avoid nervous ticks like touching your face and letting your leg become restless. You also do not want to sit down or sit rigidly. Basically, your goal is to appear comfortable but professional.

2. Know how to give good answers to the most frequently asked questions during job interviews

This is an odious question but you will hear it in the majority of job interviews in your life, and there are many more. You must answer questions if you want to get the job. There are two things to do: Understand the motivation of the questions and prepare your answers in advance. Understanding motivation is usually as simple as putting yourself in the company’s shoes. Why would they want to know your greatest weakness? Probably more to know how you answer a question that asks you to be vulnerable than to actually discover where you can improve. They may also ask because they want to know if you can assess your abilities in a realistic way. Once you have taken into account the motivation behind these common questions, it will be easier to tailor the answers you want to give. Of course, you do not want to write and memorize them in advance, but you can prepare to list the sound bites while being able to provide natural answers.

1. Leave your current job without burning bridges

If you do not like your current job, it may be tempting to let it know when you leave. This will cause you problems. You want to leave your current business in good conditions. You never know when you will meet a colleague again or if you need to call that company for information or a favor. Burning bridges is just not in your interest. If you hate your work so much that you are afraid to say the wrong thing, however, you can refer to these examples of resignation letters and read tips on how to resign gracefully.



No matter how old we are, we all need self-confidence. This inner way allows us to approve ourselves and overcome all the challenges that life can put in our path. When children are still in kindergarten or at the small school, here are some of the criteria that pedagogues remarks when the self-confidence of a child is at its highest:

Taste to realize new things, to go for it to discover
Demonstration of pride following a success
Perseverance even after hardship
Relaxed during learning
Have fun doing a new activity
Remember success stories and name them

We should all be basing ourselves on these few points in order to be able to evaluate our own inner voice giving us our self-esteem. Here are some important things to remember:

To know and accept each other

The first rule in self-esteem and getting to know each other. You have to be able to identify what I like and what I do not like. We must be able to talk about our successes but also our failures. We must also be able to recognize our faults and our qualities. But to know oneself is not enough. We must first accept each other. It is not necessary to have only qualities to have a good self-esteem. But we must rather be able to assume its faults or want to change them. We suggest the following exercise “Who am I? To help you in this process of self-awareness

Attitudes conducive to self-esteem

Recognize that we are not infallible. Do not lower yourself. If you make a mistake, instead of criticizing yourself, take the time to review what you have learned. Instead of saying “I’m good for nothing, I missed an exam.” Instead, say, “Next time, I’ll do better.” Stop punishing yourself. Learn, on the contrary, to reward you. He can improve his self-esteem on the small things that are very simple such as buying a new piece of clothing, having a relaxing evening listening to a good movie or relaxing music.
Here are some additional tips for managing failures that are part of our life as well as successes:
– Do not see things in black or white. One must know how to qualify the vision of failure.
– Remember that all have failed one day, fail or fail …
– Think of your failures as sources of information about yourself and not as evidence of disability.
– Admit that everyone is making mistakes. When you make a mistake, do not go down. There are lessons to be learned from our mistakes.
– It is not necessary to be flawless to have a good self-esteem. You have to be able to assume them and change them.

To be perseverant

Perseverance consists in persisting in an activity in order to achieve the desired result. Perseverance allows us not to be discouraged despite obstacles. It encompasses a desire to succeed and obstacles are considered challenges. Perseverance therefore requires tenacity. Thus the success that accompanies such an attitude allows us to be certain that the success achieved comes from our efforts and our esteem increases at the same time. So to say to oneself “I will not let go of this problem of mathematics before having found the solution. Demonstrates perseverance.

To be able to take risks

Self-esteem is built on challenges, whether it’s looking for a job or embarking on a new venture. In all these situations, the risk is present: that of displeasing, losing face, failing, etc. However, while safety and comfort are so important to us that they prevent us from taking risks, we limit our ability to develop our self-esteem enormously. So you have to train and allow yourself to take risks that are present day by day in your life.

Avoid the pitfalls of comparison

We are often inclined to compare ourselves to others when we evaluate ourselves on many levels (appearance: Lucie is more beautiful than I. sporting performance: Pierre is more skillful than me in tennis.) Such comparisons negatively influence our self-esteem. . Be realistic. Try to be perfect and compare yourself to other nights with self-esteem.

Stop the critical internal dialogue

The “critical internal dialogue” is the critical thoughts that we address such as “It will not work. “It’s useless, what’s the point? Or “It was a failure. “. All of these critical thoughts hurt our self-esteem. Thus, one must become aware of their existence and confront them by asking you the following questions:

• Is this thought realistic?
• Does this thought help me feel better?
• Does this thought helps me cope with the situation?

Would others have the same kind of thinking as I do about this situation? If the answer is NO, then it must be changed because it has negative consequences on self-esteem. These thoughts must be changed by more realistic and constructive thoughts.


Be aware that you are unique and be proud of it.

Resolutions 2019 – For Professional and Personal Success

Resolutions 2019 – For Professional and Personal Success

If you are a student, there are some great things you can do to become a better person and a better student. You must be able to accommodate both your student lifestyle and personal life. Here are some all-year-round and easy-to-follow ideas that will definitely work!

  1. Improve your diet and do some sports

Instead of spending your time partying or studying, choose to devote some of your time to do some sport. Not only will this keep your body fit and healthy, but it is also a great stress reliever.

Many university campuses have free gyms for students so take advantage of the facilities available to you. Set up an exercise program that suits your school schedule every week and stick to it.

Improving your diet can not only help you keep the extra pounds off, but it can also improve your mood and energy levels.

  1. Make a budget and stick to it

As a student, spending can spiral out of control with the need to invest in entertainment, day-to-day basics and purchases of new clothing and school supplies.

Keeping a budget is a good way to acquire financial skills that will serve you in the real world and keep you away from debt.

Several online tools can help you keep a budget in writing so you can refer to it and adjust it when needed. Here’s an example:

  1. Take a challenge that scares you

Whether it’s a greater responsibility or a new skill that you need to learn, doing something that’s scary will help you increase your self-confidence, develop your skills, and prove to yourself that you’re able to push off your limits.

  1. Manage your stress better

Stress can be harmful to your physical and emotional life, and it can be harmful to your relationships.

So, for the new year, make it a goal to better to manage your stress, and if possible, reduce it. Reducing stress also allows you to be more effective without fear or anxiety.

These were only a couple of resolutions examples but you can set your own goals in addition! The purpose of the resolutions to take a new perspective of yourself and wanting to improve yourself. Any small change and improvement to your daily life can only be beneficial!


Happy New Year 2019!




We are very proud to announce that our new website is now online. Discover our services, our news and much more on this simple to use website.

The Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi Rivière-des-Prairies team wanted to put in place an intuitive, interactive and useful website for its clients.

The Practical information in our blog will be available 24/7 thanks to content illustrating our activity. You’ll also find useful links on many subjects like: returning back to school, entering or returning to the job market and starting a new business.

Don’t hesitate to recommend Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi Rivière-des-Prairies to everyone you know!

The creation of the website was entrusted to the web agency Nuevamed, located in Montreal. For more than 10 years now, this Montreal based agency has been supporting non-profit organizations in the dynamic Internet with evolutive web tools.

Thank you.

The CJE RDP team !

Your way to your perfect career

Your way to your perfect career

If you’re not sure which direction your career should go in, you’re thinking about making a career change, or you just want to feel more fulfilled in your career, these ten tips might help.

Ideally, everyone would know their true calling early in life and find happiness in their work, but it often doesn’t work that way. Nowadays, it is almost expected to change careers three times in anyone’s lifetimes; lifelong careers may not be the norm any more.

That said, we know there’s better ways to choose a career by only one marker or choosing randomly. You’ll find ideas right here:

10. What excites you

This one is the first obvious step – we all want to enjoy and actually like our careers. While passion isn’t the only requirement for being satisfied in your career choice, many would say it’s still essential. Passion is what keeps you going even through the tough times. Is there a job you would do job for free?

9. What you’re good at

Maybe you don’t feel that passionate about any specific career—or you love multiple areas and can’t decide on just one. Then it’s time to think about your personality and focus on the skills you have. “Don’t do what you love. Do what you are.”

8. Take a personality test

Well, what if you don’t know what you’re good at or even what you’re really interested in? Career assessment tests in school help narrow down a more specific genre of career path. You can also have access to online tests like the Myers-Briggs personality index test. Find an exemple online here:

7. Internship, a good entry way

If you have flexibility when it comes to salary, an internship could be a great way to test out an industry or type of career and eventually get a full-time job (especially if you have no prior experience). Even if it doesn’t turn into a job or you find out it’s the wrong career for you, an internship can help build your network from which you can get career and job advice.

6. A mentor to motivate you

A mentor could help you take your career to the next level and give you the insider insight to help you make sure you’re on the right path.
If there’s a career you’re interested in, you might also check to see if any companies or people in that line of work would let you shadow them for a few days to see what it’s really like.

5. Unconventional careers

We all know the popular careers available to us: doctor, lawyer, teacher, computer engineer, police officer, store owner, etc. If you feel uninspired by the typical choices, know that there are thousands of unusual jobs you might not have heard about. Explore the possibilities and keep your mind open!

4. Ask people

Perhaps the best way to discover a new career is to ask other people about theirs..assuming you come into contact with people who don’t all work in the same field. Your LinkedIn network or any other social media you’re connected with, might be a good place to start mining for information.

3. Use the G+P+V formula

The perfect career for you would most likely fit the G+P+V formula, which stands for Gifts + Passions + Values. Consider your strengths and passions, as we’ve noted above, and your values—what’s nonnegotiable about the way you work?

2. A good career plan

As with most things, your career will benefit if you have goals and a plan for it. Maybe you think you want to be a writer, but the next step after that, is editing. (Do you really want to do that?) Or maybe you want to transition from being an editor to a restaurant owner. Map out where you want to go, with concrete milestones, as if it were a four-phase project.

1. Do not see your career path as a linear path

Of course, all these plans and ideas are never set in stone. Your career is a marathon, not a sprint and it can turn out to be a very winding road indeed, knitted together from all of your experiences into, hopefully, a career worth having.

The basics of the Back to School time

The basics of the Back to School time

Start the year strong and stay focused!
What a summer! Good time and a whol lot of emotions! It’s now the time to go back to school. You’ll find familiar faces but we also face new challenges! Here are some tips to help you get off to a good start this year.

Prepping is key
There is no better time than back to school time to start thinking of all the things that you’ll need to put in place for the year. You can start by cleaning up your belongings: sort your school equipment from last year, your clothes, your sportswear, etc. Do you have everything you need? Then you could take the opportunity to create a homework space. A personalized place that inspires you and gives you the motivation to start the year!

Put in place a regular schedule
After the summer where you’ve had lots of beautiful things happening, you’re probably used to sleep a little late, sleep in the morning or do things at your own pace. With school, all this will change!

To get used to it again you could, for example, gradually start to get up earlier: it will seem less difficult for you to get up for the big day. It’s not always easy to go to bed early and have a restful sleep! You can try to relax by thinking of pleasant things, reading a good book or listening to relaxing music. Use the relaxation method you prefer to have a restful night sleep.

Set realistic goals
Perhaps you could take a moment to reflect on your strengths and challenges, or what you want to improve this year?

A few words in your agenda, motivational phrases or a painting in your room can encourage you throughout the year.

These objectives do not have to relate to academic results. This could be for example to go more towards the others, to get more involve in student life, or to keep more personal time for your passions! It’s time to think about what will really make you tick!

Ask for help
During the year, if you have difficulties, do not wait too long! Asking for help is also a way to make sure you stay focused on your goals. Stay on the lookout for what is generally problematic, you can seek advice before difficult situations arise and better prepare for it! Do not hesitate to ask for help, to a teacher, a student, someone you trust or your CJE.

Young Entrepreneurs – Know where to find support!

Young Entrepreneurs – Know where to find support!

Due to the aging of the population, several challenges will have to be faced in Quebec in the coming years. These include the sustainability of the entrepreneurial culture. It is therefore of utmost importance to promote entrepreneurship among young people to ensure succession. In addition to your Carrefour Jeunesse Center, many organizations contribute to developing the entrepreneurial culture of young people and can support you in your efforts.

Here is a variety of information on resources offered by youth entrepreneurship support organizations, such as funding, training and mentoring, tools, statistics, etc.

Good research … and good luck!

OSEntreprendre Challenge

The OSEntreprendre Challenge aims to stimulate the desire to undertake and promote entrepreneurial initiatives. To this end, it organizes a recognition process at three different levels: local, regional and national. Three sections are open to those interested in applying: Student Entrepreneurship, Business Creation and Success Inc. The organization is also the instigator of the Entrepreneurs at School Week, which aims to raise awareness of entrepreneurship among high school students in all regions of Quebec.

Quebec School of Entrepreneurs

The École des entrepreneurs du Québec is a non-profit organization dedicated to developing skills for start-up, growth and business acquisition. It meets the specific needs of entrepreneurs from all walks of life by providing an accessible, flexible and associative experience in an entrepreneurial environment.

Here are some of the services of the School:

Self-Employment Support Measure
Offer the support of a consultant specialized in entrepreneurial development for two years and financial support.
Training Starting a business
For entrepreneurs, self-employed individuals and business owners who wish to develop their business plan and prepare a business plan or recovery plan.
Workshops on starting a business
Offers entrepreneurs start-up workshops to help them plan, think and realize their business plans.


Emploi-Québec offers the Jeunes Volunteers program to people between the ages of 16 and 29 who have entrepreneurial ambitions and wish to make them a reality in a project. Young participants may be eligible for an allowance or reimbursement of certain expenses.

Entrepreneurship Quebec

Entrepreneurship Québec offers the program Launching a Business, funded by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, which allows entrepreneurs to start their business with personalized support provided by consultants and trainers. experience. The organization also offers the Effective Business Management program, which aims to support entrepreneurs and managers who wish to improve the management of their businesses in the following areas: sales, marketing, finance, human resources management and business management. time and priorities

Montreal Foundation Inc.
The Montreal Foundation inc. is a non-profit organization that invests in companies started by young Montrealers between the ages of 18 and 35, giving them a scholarship of up to $ 30,000. The Foundation also offers various services such as mentoring, coaching and training.

Futurpreneur Canada

Futurpreneur Canada is a non-profit organization that provides young and new business owners aged 18 to 39 with financing, mentoring and tools to help them build sustainable businesses. Its internationally recognized mentoring program allows for the personalized matching of young entrepreneurs and business experts from a network of nearly 3,000 volunteer mentors.

The following programs are offered by the organization:

Funding and Mentoring
Allows young people who want to become business owners
get financial help and mentorship to start or buy their business.
Newcomers Program Helps newcomer youth get help to start their business.
Spin Master Innovation Fund Provides Young Entrepreneurs who innovate in their sector of activity a personalized support.


I’m undertaking. it allows young people, thanks to a portal specially designed for them, to live an incursion into the world of entrepreneurship. This site is a place of exchange, networking and information to demystify entrepreneurship and discover the different stages and opportunities of starting a business. In addition, using the interactive game Bungee, young people can test their entrepreneurial potential.

The Intrapreneurial Initiative
The non-profit organization The Intrapreneurial Initiative’s mission is to support two generations of entrepreneurs in the creation of new intrapreneurial projects. To do this, he proposes the Intrapreneurial Course. This 12-week program offers young people the opportunity to start their own project, while developing their assets as a manager and owner, with the help of a godparent whom they sponsor. find in their surroundings.

Moovjee Québec

Moovjee Québec helps young Quebec entrepreneurs to develop their full entrepreneurial potential by offering them networking and training and by facilitating other tailor-made activities. All activities are based on good mentoring practices as well as expert advice on entrepreneurship. The organization also awards the Moovjee Québec Prizes each year, which recognizes young people who have distinguished themselves during the year by starting their own business.

Les Offices jeunesse internationale du Québec
The International Youth Offices of Quebec (LOJIQ), a group of four international youth mobility organizations, present a service offer for Quebec youth dedicated to the pursuit of its professional and personal development objectives in an international context.

Here are the international programs offered by LOJIQ:
Academic studies, internships and student projects Offer support to students wishing to study abroad or who wish to validate acquired from their training by an international project or internship within the framework of their udes. Emploi, insertion sociale et professionnelle Support job seekers and young people who have undertaken a process of social and professional integration and who wish to gain work experience abroad and promotes their employability. Entrepreneurship Offers support to young people entrepreneurs wishing to take part in an important activity, for example a business fair, a fair or a congress, make a prospecting trip or carry out a trade mission. Professional development Supports projects that allow young professionals to access networks of international partners that promote the exchange of expertise and know-how. Citizen engagement Supports people who are socially involved in their community and who wish to carry out a project abroad related to their citizen involvement.

Place aux jeunes en région
The objective of the organization Place aux jeunes en région is to stimulate business creation in the regions while facilitating the migration and job retention of graduates aged 18 to 35. Also encouraging entrepreneurship, the organization releases a list of business opportunities and business transfer opportunities in the regions to ensure succession. It also offers support to young people with an entrepreneurial profile wishing to settle in the regions, for example by offering them exploratory stays and remote assistance.

Portail Entrepreneurship
Funded by the Youth Secretariat of the Ministère du Conseil exécutif, this portal presents two entrepreneurship training programs supported by the Ministère de l’Éducation, of Higher Education and Research, ie pre-startup training and post-start training.

Grouping of young chambers of commerce in Quebec

The Regroupement des jeunes chambers de commerce du Québec has a network of young chambers of commerce and youth wings established throughout Quebec. These organizations are usually aimed at entrepreneurs, business people and professionals aged 18 to 40 years old. Young Chambers and Youth Wings organize various activities for their members, including networking activities, competitions, trainings and conferences.

Réseau des carrefours jeunesse-emploi du Québec

The Réseau des carrefours jeunesse-emploi du Québec is home to more than a hundred youth and employment hubs in all regions of Quebec. Their mission is to support young people between the ages of 16 and 35 in their vocational guidance and their integration into the labor market. They also offer assistance to young people interested in entrepreneurship by offering, among other things, awareness-raising workshops and coaching to make their business idea a reality. The Network has designed two tools for young people. entrepreneurs: Undertake: the user manual Presents young Quebecers with entrepreneurial resources to help them discover entrepreneurship and make them aware of the main services they can benefit from. Find your Find a youth hub -employment in Quebec.

SADC Network and CAE

Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) and Centers for Community Development Business Assistance (CAE) offers many forms of assistance to entrepreneurship in the regions of Quebec. The Youth Strategy, in particular, provides financial support to young people between the ages of 18 and 35 for starting, acquiring or expanding their business.

Services Québec – Citizens: Young people

The Youth e-guide of the Services Québec – Citoyens portal lists information on government programs and services for young people aged 15 to 29. It includes mentoring services or programs whose objective is to develop entrepreneurship skills in this clientele. This guide also contains a directory of links to relevant resources for young entrepreneurs.

Youth Investment Corporation

The Société d’Investissement Jeunesse offers entrepreneurs aged 18 to 35 a personal loan guarantee to financially support their start-up, acquisition or investment projects in the capital stock of a company in Québec. This guarantee is granted according to the conditions corresponding to the following three aspects: Purchaser, Associate and Founder. In addition to these guarantee programs, the Company offers tools to help young entrepreneurs.